Post-Blitz Teacher Discussion Guide


National Geographic and iNaturalist have lots of resources to help you and your students analyze your biodiversity observations. Here are a couple of our favorites: 


You and your class collected data on the diversity and quantity of trash in a particular location. Now what? 

Here are some topics you may wish to discuss with your class following collection. 

I.  Materials Comparison: 

II.  Function:

III. Location:

Bonus Discussion Topics

I. Age: 

II.  Fun stuff: 

EcoBlitz: Linking Trash and Wildlife

I.  Reviewing the Numbers 

II.  Experience

A. What feelings did you experience? How would you illustrate, perform, or convey these feelings?  

A. For the school community? 

B. For the local community? 

C. For the global community? 

* Arts integration: How would you illustrate, perform, or show the importance of EcoBlitz for these three communities? 

III.  Looking forward

A. Locally? 

B. Globally? 

Activity: Which lasts longer?

Activity: Imagine a trash free future

Activity: Class commitment